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May 29, 2024

Pre-ASCO 2024 Insights: Key Oncology Advances and Innovations to Watch

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May 29, 2024

Pre-ASCO 2024 Insights: Key Oncology Advances and Innovations to Watch

Neneh Vannitamby, MD
Medical Writer

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2024 is set to take place from May 31 to June 4 in Chicago, IL, bringing together leading oncologists and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest breakthroughs in cancer treatment and research. Among the highly anticipated sessions are those focusing on colorectal cancer management, cutting-edge cell therapies for solid tumors, and targeting traditionally “undruggable” cancer targets. Team LARVOL will be attending and looks forward to engaging with fellow oncology professionals. Here’s a preview of some key topics that will be highlighted at ASCO 2024.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2024 is set to take place from May 31 to June 4 in Chicago, IL, bringing together leading oncologists and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest breakthroughs in cancer treatment and research. Among the highly anticipated sessions are those focusing on colorectal cancer management, cutting-edge cell therapies for solid tumors, and targeting traditionally “undruggable” cancer targets. Team LARVOL will be attending and looks forward to engaging with fellow oncology professionals. Here’s a preview of some key topics that will be highlighted at ASCO 2024.

Colorectal Cancer Management: Emerging Insights

The Role of Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) in Early-Stage CRC

One of the highly anticipated sessions, “State of the Art Management of Colorectal Cancer: Treatment Advances and Innovation,” will explore the role of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in colorectal cancer (CRC). Dr. Priyadarshini Pathak from Massachusetts General Hospital will present on how ctDNA is becoming a crucial tool for personalizing adjuvant therapy in early-stage CRC. While ctDNA currently provides prognostic information, ongoing phase 3 trials like the SU2CACT-3 trial are investigating its potential role in guiding adjuvant therapy.This could lead to more precise treatment strategies, enabling escalation or de-escalation of treatment based on ctDNA levels.

Dr. Pathak will discuss how ctDNA testing can identify patients who might benefit from additional therapy post-surgery or those who could avoid unnecessary chemotherapy. She will also address the emotional impact on patients receiving prognostic information from ctDNA testing, emphasizing the importance of managing anxiety related to this information. Looking ahead, ctDNA might even be used for screening asymptomatic individuals for colon cancer, expanding its applications beyond its current scope. 

Advances in Molecular Characterization and Tumor Sidedness in mCRC

Dr. Cheng Ean Cheefrom the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore, will highlight the significance of molecular characterization and tumor sidedness in metastaticCRC (mCRC). By categorizing CRC into subtypes based on molecular analysis, oncologists can better tailor treatments to individual patients. Dr. Chee will emphasize that understanding the molecular characteristics and primary tumor location (left or right side of the colon) can significantly impact treatment decisions and improve patient outcomes.

Dr. Dustin Deming from the University of Wisconsin will discuss emerging strategies for mCRC treatment, focusing on the evolving use of targeted therapies. He will highlight clinical trials that are investigating the benefits of using targeted therapies earlier in the treatment process. One notable trial is the phase 3BREAKWATER study, which evaluates the combination of the BRAF inhibitor encorafenib and the EGFR inhibitor cetuximab with or without chemotherapy forBRAFV600E mCRC. Additionally, Dr. Deming will explore the potential for retreatment with EGFR inhibitors, as resistance mechanisms may decay over time, allowing for reintroduction of these therapies.

Innovative Cell Therapies for Solid Tumors

Lifileucel: A Breakthrough in T-Cell Therapy

The accelerated approval of lifileucel, a tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy, marks a significant milestone in the treatment of advanced melanoma and other solid tumors. Dr. Giao Q. Phan will discuss practical considerations and future enhancements for TIL therapy. Despite its current success, lifileucel’s objective response rate of 31.4% suggests a need for further advancements. Researchers are exploring gene modifications and neoantigen targeting to improve the efficacy of TIL therapy.

Next-Generation TIL and TCR Therapies 

Dr. Alison Betof Warner from Stanford Cancer Center will explore next-generation cell-based therapies beyond TIL, including T-cell receptor (TCR) therapy. TCR therapy, which recognizes intracellular antigens, presents a promising alternative toCAR T-cell therapy. Dr. Warner will discuss the development of therapies targeting specific tumor-associated antigens, such as PRAME and NY-ESO-1, which have shown efficacy in clinical trials. Additionally, she will cover strategies to enhance TIL therapy, such as combining TILs with immune checkpoint inhibitors and identifying highly reactive TIL populations.

Targeting “Undruggable” Cancer Drivers

KRAS-Directed Therapy

A joint ASCO/AACR session will focus on the challenges and successes in targeting “undruggable”cancer drivers, with a particular emphasis on KRAS-directed therapy. Dr. Kevan Shokat will share groundbreaking research on KRASG12C inhibitors and their evolution into highly selective drug candidates for various KRAS mutant tumors. This session will underscore the innovative approaches required to develop effective therapies against traditionally resistant cancer targets.

Innovative Approaches with Small Molecules

Dr. Susan Galbraith from AstraZeneca will present novel small molecule approaches and enabling technologies that address the druggability challenges of oncology targets. Her discussion will highlight recent advancements in computational chemistry, structural biology, and screening sciences that have facilitated the development of transformative cancer therapies.

Mutant-Selective Oncogene-Targeted Therapies

Dr. Keith Flaherty from Massachusetts General Hospital will discuss the design and development of mutant-selective inhibitors targeting oncogenes. He will highlight the success of osimertinib, a mutant-selective EGFR inhibitor, and the potential of clinical proteomics to expedite drug discovery and development. Dr. Flaherty will also explore the benefits of utilizing clinical proteomics to identify new compounds, emphasizing its speed and ability to target previously challenging conditions.

As ASCO 2024 approaches, the excitement within the oncology community is growing. This year’s conference promises to be an important event, showcasing groundbreaking research, innovative treatments, and the latest technologies that will advance cancer care.

Team LARVOL is excited to participate, learn from the latest advancements, and connect with peers and experts from around the world. The insights and discoveries presented at ASCO 2024 are set to open new possibilities and inspire significant progress in the fight against cancer. We look forward to an informative and impactful experience.

See you there!


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  2. Solar Vasconcelos JP, Boutin M, Loree JM. Circulating tumor DNA in early-stage colon cancer: ready for prime time or needing refinement?. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2022;14:17588359221143975.
  3. Tie J, Cohen JD, Lahouel K, et al. Circulating tumor DNA analysis guiding adjuvant therapy in stage II colon cancer. N Engl J Med. 2022;386(24):2261-2272.
  4. Kasi PM, Aushev VN, Ensor J, et al. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) for informing adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) in stage II/III colorectal cancer (CRC): interim analysis of BESPOKE CRC     study. J Clin Oncol. 2024;42:3s (suppl; abstr 9).
  5. Lonardi S, Pietrantonio F, Tarazona Llavero N, et al. The PEGASUS trial: post-surgical liquid biopsy-guided treatment of stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer patients. Ann Oncol. 2023;34:2s (suppl; abstr LBA28).
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  7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA grants accelerated approval to lifileucel for unresectable or metastatic melanoma. Published February 16, 2024. Accessed March 25,     2024.
  8. Chesney J, Lewis KD, Kluger H, et al. Efficacy and safety of lifileucel, a one-time autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) cell therapy, in patients with advanced melanoma after progression on immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapies: pooled analysis of consecutive cohorts of the C-144-01 study. J Immunother Cancer. 2022;10(12):e005755.
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Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD (she/her) 4
Manhattan, NY
November 10, 2022

79% had reduction in disease. ORR 31%. Many responses deepen over time.

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Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD (she/her) 3
Manhattan, NY
November 10, 2022

Median DOR not yet reached. Median OS 13.9 mo. 12 mo OS was 54%. As typical with immunotherapy, we see a nice tail on the curve. #TIL#SITC22

Alex Shoushtari, MD
New York, USA
November 10, 2022

Important work on efficacy of TIL therapy lifileucel in PD-1 resistant #melanoma being presented at #SITC22. Pretty good durability for this heavy lift of a treatment.

Not rated
Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD (she/her) 2
Manhattan, NY
November 10, 2022

Toxicity profile was in line with prior TIL/Lifileucel data. No surprises here. Median # doses of IL-2 was 6.

Hussein Tawbi, MD, PhD
Houston, TX
November 10, 2022

Absolutely agree!… this should be available to our melanoma patients ASAP!… and paves the way for smarter cellular therapies to be designed, studied, and eventually widely disseminated

Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD (she/her) 1
Manhattan, NY
November 10, 2022

Where does this leave us with #TIL therapy for #melanoma? IMO, this response rate/durability justifies accelerated approval. Pts with PD-1 refractory melanoma need options. It’s FAR from a perfect tx but provides meaningful clinical benefit. What say you melanoma Twitterverse?

Not Rated
Sumanta K. Pal, MD, FASCO
Los Angeles, CA
November 8, 2022

Just before I start AM clinic at @cityofhopeoc, excited to share results from #COBALT_RCC, a P1 trial of @CRISPRTX#CTX130 in #kidneycancer in the @sitcancer#PressProgram. Will present more on Thurs 5:37p at #SITC22! Thx @neerajaiims@DrBenTran@HaanenJohn#SamerSrour& co-Is!

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Shilpa Gupta
Cleveland, OH
November 8, 2022
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Tian Zhang, MD, MHS
Dallas, TX
November 8, 2022

CAR-Ts are coming for #kidneycancer!! Congratulations @montypal and team; can’t wait to see results at #SITC22!

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Moshe Ornstein MD
Cleveland, OH
November 8, 2022

Congrats @montypal and team! Great to see CAR T therapy coming to

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Shuchi Gulati MD
Seattle, WA
November 8, 2022

Another huge step from none other than @montypal!! CAR-Ts in #kidneycancer!Congratulations to the entire team!Looking forward to seeing the results at #SITC22!

Not Rated
Petros Grivas
Seattle, WA
November 8, 2022

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